Wash Windows

Have you noticed that in an apartment or a country house, even in bright light, it became somehow dim? Don’t worry – your windows haven’t deteriorated and don’t need costly replacements. You just need to wash them. How to do this as quickly and painlessly as possible – we tell!

1. Never wash windows when the sun is shining brightly outside. Firstly, because of it, the detergent dries faster. Secondly, the purity of the glass will be very difficult to assess. Thirdly, it can be simply dangerous. By the way, these rules also apply to the wind.

2. Choose your window cleaner wisely. You can buy an expensive jar and rub the surface with it. But divorces are still no, no, but they will appear. The ideal detergent can be obtained from the “grandmother’s chest” – this is vinegar with water. There are no streaks, and the glass shines like new. The only negative is the aroma. But it will fade quickly.

3. In fact, divorce can be avoided in another way. To do this, you just need to make movements in different directions. And after washing the windows, it is best to wipe them with a dry cloth. Just choose microfiber or cotton. Another “grandfather” option is a crumpled newspaper. It perfectly absorbs moisture and removes stains, and also rubs the glass to a shine. Didn’t find a newspaper? Take paper towels – the effect will be the same.

4. It is not enough to clean the glass, you must not forget about the frames, as well as the joints. For joints, you can use a regular hair dryer in combination with an old toothbrush. First blow off all the dust, and then walk with a brush. So you clean out as much as possible all the dust and dirt that has accumulated over several weeks. For the frame, it is recommended to use foam rubber brushes.

5. What can replace a regular rag? Many are uncomfortable using the canvas, so they found an alternative to it – a rubber scraper. The only drawback of this tool is that it is not suitable for heavily soiled surfaces. In this case, you still have to resort to a rag to wash off all the dust, and only then go to the scraper.

It’s not just windows that require regular cleaning – floors do too. Fortunately, a robot vacuum can help you keep your floors clean and tidy with minimal effort. With their powerful suction and efficient cleaning capabilities, robot vacuums can easily handle dirt, dust, and debris on a variety of surfaces, including hardwood, tile, and carpet. Simply set your robot vacuum to work and enjoy a clean spotless floor without having to lift a finger.