living room

Professional designers argue that interior ideas must follow global trends while being distinguished by conciseness, simplicity, and originality in the execution of details.

All of them are used to create a favorable and comfortable environment because people prefer to spend most of their free time in the living room.

Decor and color

There is no universal advice on what color scheme will be optimal in the interior, everyone is guided by their own preferences. To create a harmonious living room interior design, professionals recommend using the 60-30-10 rule. If the main color in the room should be about 60%, then the additional color should be 30%, and 10% is a bright accent. Naturally, all three shades should be well combined.

The decor should organically fit into the space and be something more useful than just decoration. Paintings or photographs are traditionally considered such organic decor. Depending on the image, they easily fit into any design solution.

Floor vases and figurines look interesting in spacious living rooms, but in small rooms, they will look too cumbersome, and they will also take up free space, which is already not enough.


Proper placement of light sources reveals the stylistic ideas of the designer. The light in the interior of the living room not only affects the mood and emotions, but also gives the surrounding space different shades. The chandelier in the center of the ceiling continues to be a classic option. Correlating its dimensions with the dimensions of the room will create the desired effect. In addition to the chandelier, you can provide a wall lamp or lighting near the TV, it will be useful in the evening. In modern interiors, large chandeliers are increasingly complemented by spotlights or LED lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling. Lighting becomes more uniform and easily creates the right mood. Illumination built into individual pieces of furniture creates light accents that complement the interior.

The role of furniture in the interior

You should not clutter up the space with a lot of furniture, it is much easier to create coziness in a large and spacious room or in one that seems visually spacious. The dimensions of the furniture are always commensurate with the area of ​​the living room, and individual items in it create a common composition, harmonizing in style and color.

It makes sense to look at photos of living rooms with unusual design ideas in the catalogs of professional designers, and then, using them as a source of inspiration, create your own original concept.

Interior style

The choice of style is an important stage that determines the design of the whole house. To choose the perfect option, you need to take into account the area, the shape of the living room, the height of the ceiling and the layout.

1. Classic style

Classics in the form that existed 100-200 years ago are practically never found today: it is difficult to implement such a design, and besides, it is impractical for the dynamics of modernity. The emphasis in the classic interior adapted to the 21st century is on the quality of each piece of furniture, the nobility of decor and accessories, and the feeling of freedom. The classic is suitable for large square or rectangular living rooms with high ceilings. Or for apartments with an open modern layout, in which one room flows freely into another. A sofa and two or three armchairs are located in the center of the living room, around a low coffee (tea) table. The attribute of the classics is a fireplace, possibly decorative.

2. Minimalist style

The design of the living room in the style of minimalism is practical, with a minimum of decorativeness. The color scheme includes only neutral natural colors. Simple lines and shapes are complemented by glass planes and metal frames. But at the same time, the interior itself does not become strict or inhospitable, they only shade the natural texture of the materials.

3. Scandinavian style

A variation of minimalism with a “northern touch”, similar to a stylized Swedish house. It is always comfortable here, especially on long cold winter evenings. The main color choice is white. It does not look cold and medically sterile, as it is diluted with natural wood products, fluffy carpets, and a cozy fireplace fire.

Color in the interior

White color is considered universal in color, but not always practical. Often it serves only as a backdrop for brighter details and the basis for the Scandinavian style, it is widely used in the Provence style.

Semitones are well suited for the living room – shades of one selected color. A room decorated with several shades at once looks dynamic and light. An interesting and original design can be obtained with contrasting colors. For example, highlight a bright shade against a background of calmer, muted, neutral tones.

Pastel hues are used to create a calm atmosphere and encourage color variation without adding overly bright tones that can be annoying.

Living room decoration

Each style in interior design has its own design requirements, but there are rules and techniques that can always be used in any style, getting attractive solutions.

Floor coverings. They can be anything to the taste of the owners, but at the same time they must be resistant to impact and easily withstand standard types of cleaning and washing. In an open-plan apartment, when the living room forms a single space with the kitchen, it is advisable to select flooring options that are simultaneously suitable for both functional areas. Carpets and rugs, almost always used in the recreation area, easily compensate for occasional design flaws.

Wall decoration. It has special requirements. The most spectacular filling of space is obtained against the background of plain surfaces. Decorative plaster is able to imitate the complex textures of natural materials, and wall panels give individuality to the design.

The subject content is not set strictly, but is determined by the needs of the residents and the chosen style, but in the general case, the design includes a sofa, two or more chairs, a table, a wall or a rack. These items form a single semantic center, and other items only complement it. Does the apartment have an open floor plan? The list of furniture will include a dining table and chairs, but then functional zoning becomes necessary.

In a classic interior, glass transparent facades, milled doors, sofas of complex shapes on graceful legs are preferable.

The facades, designed in the style of minimalism, are smooth and even. An interesting idea for the interior of the living room is modular furniture, each section of which is autonomous.

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