Injection Waterproofing

Injection waterproofing is a waterproofing method carried out by pumping unique compounds through prepared holes into the soil adjacent to building structures, the structure, or into the seams and cracks of building systems.

This waterproofing method requires the availability of specialized equipment and the skill of the workers and is expensive.

injection technology

  1. Hole drilling
  2. Installation and tightening of internal packers (connecting elements between the pump and the structure)
  3. Installation of a check valve on the first packer and the beginning of the process of pumping the composition
  4. As soon as the injected material begins to flow out of the adjacent packer, a check valve is installed on it
  5. Termination of injection on the first packer and continuation on the second (adjacent) process.

The distance between the holes and the injection pressure is assigned depending on the permeability of the processed array and the viscosity of the injection composition.

Waterproofing of filter surfaces

Membrane injection consists in forming a waterproof membrane on the outside of the structure, which prevents water from entering the damaged underground parts of the building.

The device of an impervious injection curtain is used in case of impossibility of carrying out repair work outside the structure or in the presence of moving cracks, as well as in case of high costs associated with the installation of waterproofing from the outside.

To form a waterproof coating over the entire leaking structure, holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 30-50 cm. An injection is carried out evenly, moving from one side to the other and from bottom to top.

Horizontal wall waterproofing

The restoration of horizontal waterproofing to protect masonry walls from capillary suction by injection is an effective and widely used solution. To create a horizontal barrier at the bottom of the wall, holes are made in two rows and pumped through with an injection compound.

Waterproofing large volumes of masonry

Materials with very low viscosity and long curing times are ideal for wall injection. Due to this, such compositions fill both the seams of the masonry and impregnate the brick’s pores.

Waterproofing cracks in concrete

Cracking in concrete is a prerequisite for its shrinkage. Cracks can appear in concrete in plastic or hardened state due to internal stresses caused by temperature changes and changes in water content.

Repairing cracks and filling voids in concrete

The presence of various cracks adversely affects the bearing capacity of the structure. Water often accumulates in damaged places, moisture enters the room through trials, and increases.

The use of traditional methods, as a rule, does not lead to an effective solution to the problem.

One of the ways to eliminate such problems is the injection of cracks using adhesive packers, which increases the bearing capacity and strength of structures by filling voids and gluing structures in the area of ​​crack formation.