Roof Repair And Restoration

Among the most common causes: are poor-quality roofing, damage to the roof during cleaning, the harmful effects of atmospheric phenomena. Depending on the type of roofing material and its installation method, various repair techniques are distinguished. The degree of damage to the roof determines the need for current or significant repairs to the top.

Soft roof repair

The main enemy of a soft roof is the hot sun and sub-zero temperatures. Due to heating under direct sunlight, they are forming air pockets. Cracks appear on the surface under the influence of sudden temperature changes, and periodic cleaning of roofs leads to clogging of storm drains and subsequent leaks. Roofing Store specialists recommend regular maintenance of the top because, in this case, its service life is significantly increased.

Seasonal repair of a soft roof does not require significant investments of funds and effort. On average, about 10% of roofing materials need to be replaced. Repair roofing work to eliminate blisters and air pockets begin with a cross-shaped incision at the defect site, subsequent cleaning, and drying. Then the place of the cut is filled with bituminous mastic and sealed with a patch from the primary roofing material. The next layer of mastic is applied after the edges of the incision are bent, after which the last patch is glued, and the protective layer is restored. A soft roof with cracks is repaired using patches glued to hot mastic. First, the damage is embroidered and cleaned. And the places of subsidence are filled with asphalt concrete and pasted over with several layers of roofing material.

Severe subsidence and deformation require a significant roof repair, especially if the total damage area is about 60%. The experts of the “Roof Shop” company note that in this case, a complete replacement of the outer layer of the roof, laying new insulation, and repairing the truss structure is necessary. Roof restoration often includes repairing and renewal of the gutter system, replacing additional elements, and removing the old roofing “pie.”

Metal roof repair

Metal roofing, whether metal tiles or galvanized steel sheets, is strong enough but subject to corrosion. Especially early, these problems manifest themselves in violation of the roof’s installation and maintenance rules. When roofing work is done incorrectly, internal insulation allows moisture and steam to pass through, condensation forms, external damage to the protective layer contributes to the formation of rust.

Experienced craftsmen of the “Roof Shop” recommend washing rusty areas with a solvent, then with water. Next, the metal is cleaned with emery, and a protective layer and polymer-based paint are applied. A metal roof repair also includes sealing the seams and restoring the original appearance. If the damage does not require a complete replacement of the sheet, it is possible to use polyurethane mastics and sealants. More severe consequences, such as subsidence of the truss frame due to incorrect load calculation, will require a significant overhaul of the roof. Tiled roof repair

Natural ceramic or cement-sand tiles are rightfully considered the most durable material. But this does not mean that repairing roof tiles is a rare phenomenon. This is often caused by non-compliance with the installation technology incorrectly calculating the load and atmospheric phenomena. Roof repair work to eliminate these consequences includes strengthening the supporting frame, replacing cracked elements and crumbling mortar, insulating joints with chimneys, windows, and ventilation.

At first glance, roof repair is a troublesome business; however, our experience shows that qualified artisans can do this work quickly and efficiently. And, of course, it is much easier to prevent unpleasant consequences than to eliminate them. Proper care and timely elimination of minor damage will help avoid significant repairs of soft roofing, replace entire sheets of metal tiles, and complete dismantling of the roofing.