Expert Blogger Interview With Arun Kumar – Founder of ArunSEO

Today we will tell you about “Arun Kumar” who worked hard to get success in Developer and SEO and is a successful blogger today. Apart from this, we will know from their mouth how a new blogger can be successful in blogging. In this article, he has given very good information about his blogging career and by doing this he was named Arun SEO, whose interview you will get to see here today.

By using this you too can make your blogging career successful.

Friends, as we all know that many people work very hard to establish a successful blogging website but somewhere they make some mistakes which they should not do. They also make mistakes because there is no one to tell them what not to do.

That’s why we will tell you what are the mistakes that you should not make. You can understand these tips by yourself by successful blogger ‘Arun Kumar who is also known as ‘Arun SEO’.

So let’s start-

Arun Kumar, please give some kind information about yourself to our readers.

My name is Arun Kumar and I am from the city ‘Ludhiana’ in Punjab and I have done B.Sc. from ‘SVN PG College’ I have many websites but my main website is

It has been 6 years for me to work in the field of blogging. I try to give as much information as possible to my readers through my website in English languages.

And I also have a team that helps me manage my website.

I have a website named which is also my portfolio website from where you can know about all my strengths and skills which I have acquired in the last 5 years.

About 50,000 visitors visit the website every month on and their sources of income are my Services Only.

And talking about BusinessNewsTimes, only through Website Analysis earns an average of $50-60$  every day. Affiliate marketing, sponsorship is also their means of earning.

Arun Kumar, How many websites do you have?

Yet this time in the market our 5 websites is running and we are working on another 3 websites which one very soon we will also launch in the market.

Our Working Websites

Arun SEO

Business News Times

Powers of word

Hindustan News Time

Digital Marketing Region

The websites we are working on now

Bharat Entrepreneur

Our Digital India

Arun Kumar, what do you often do to increase traffic to your website?

I trust the content of my blog the most because the more my content is good, the more people will come to read that content. And they will feel that I am giving them good information.

Apart from this, I also do On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. Most of my traffic comes from Google, I do not do any kind of advertisement.

What do you think about the future of your website called Business News times?

See, there was a time when very enough content was available on the Internet in the English language. Compared to that, the number of people writing English content and those providing English content has increased a lot.

Nevertheless, there are many such topics which people do not get results even after searching.

I have an idea that I am going to expand my blogging a lot, and I will write my content considering people’s interests so that more and more people come to read it.

The competition will also be less in it, due to which people will only recognize quality content and people will not like to see useless content.

Arun Kumar, if someone wants to start his new blog, then what message would you like to give him?

I would like to send a message of patience to those people. When someone starts writing a new blog, most of all he has a problem with the fact that very few people come to read his blog, no matter what the content is in it.

But I believe that if a website is properly SEO done, then success is achieved quickly. Yes, but it is important to keep one thing in mind you always post quality content. Never post useless or stolen content from anyone in a hurry or in the greed of earning more money. After this, you will see that you will get success soon.

Arun Kumar, which is your favorite blog and why do you like that blog?

By the way, many people are found on the internet who are giving good knowledge. But I prefer Search Engine Journal, Neil Patel, Search Engine Land, Moz, Ahrefs website because it helps me to operate my website and helps me to find new keywords.

Arun Kumar, what kind of customize plugin do you use to write your blog post?

Yes, I do not use any kind of customized plugin for the blog.

But I use Yoast SEO Plugin for SEO because it is simple to understand and helps me to write SEO-friendly content.

It was a great pleasure to talk to you today and there are many people here who want to connect with you so what is your message for them?

Those who want to join with me can subscribe to my ArunSEO website or can join my Facebook group and if they have any questions or any problems, I will be very happy to solve them.

Friends, today we talked to the Arun SEO website and answered some questions in today’s interview. We hope that you will get answers to some questions through the interview, if you liked our article, then definitely share it.