Custom Home Interiors
Custom Home Interiors

Are you tired of the usual home designs and features in custom homes? So, break free from the usual custom homes and choose bold and offbeat interior designs and unleash the power of the risks.  Well, you need not worry about taking risks when designing the home interiors. From rich patterns to monochrome shades, it’s time to celebrate the joy of taking risks when designing the interiors and celebrate the decoration in all its glory. 

So, what risks are you ready to take during homebuilding? Make sure you have a heart-to-heart discussion with custom home builders in Kelowna before making the right choice. 

  1. Be original and honest 

Following your imagination is the first step to being honest and original. You can take inspiration from the neighbourhood homes or the custom home designs you come across when researching projects in different locations. So, pick wallpapers in single and neutral shades for all four walls and let the furniture present a contrast of different shades. Alternatively, you can pick two different shades of blues, reds, or whites when choosing the wallpapers and create an attention-grabbing design in your custom home.

  1. Contemporary style or conscious living 

It’s time to shed the thoughts and jump into action when the entire world is under the reel of green homes. No wonder, a majority of people today are keen to enjoy the newly-found happiness of being close to nature. This explains why people around the world are choosing lakeside homes, indoor-outdoor spaces, innovative materials and green technology. The aim should be to create an eco-sustainable design. And Home builders in Kelowna BC will support your decision to include sustainable features in your home. 

  1. One-of-a-kind living room 

What is the hullaballoo about creating a one-of-a-kind living room? Well, no- matchiness is the flavour for this season. With matching shades all around, you need to call it a day and go different with shades and construction techniques. For instance, if your living room is designed in white, you can choose bright prints for the upholstery right from the curtains to sofa covers, or cushion covers. Leave the doors and windows unadorned as well to create a wonderful design idea for your living room that no one has in the neighbourhood. Several new homes in Kelowna are taking a turn to make interior design different in several different ways, and you can count yourself in as well. 

When it comes to the construction of home interiors, you may not have an open space for a change and instead, opt for a more private look. Just remember to keep the design splendour at your fingertips for a more refined look.

  1. One striking colour and a single pattern 

Oh well, here comes oodles of colours, designs, and fabrics. But do you really need to incorporate so many variations? It may make your heart beat faster. You can show a combination of striking colours in one portion of the living room or another area of your home and do up the rest of the area with single patterns to make the elements of a room sing. Gone are the days of bold shades everywhere. Go for one bold shade on the wall and make the upholstery white. 

  1. Create personalised spaces 

There is greater affirmation today for personalised spaces like a home office, and guest rooms, using the outdoors for entertainment. So, the construction of the house needs to match the spirit of your design preferences. A bold sofa, rugs with animal prints, or adding a spicy shade on one or a couple of walls is the things you need to have from the designer’s perspective. You can go on adding as much as you want but be sure to discuss your plans with Align West Homes, reputed home builders in Kelowna to maximizing the impact with bold designs and offbeat ideas. 

  1. Changing the cabinetry 

You need not change the kitchen cabinets too often and just need to repurpose them to create the look. If you want to go low with your budget and make your kitchen cabinets look distinct, paint them white. The best thing about painting the cabinet is that you can change the shade more often. 

Are you ready to take risks when designing your custom home? There may not be something radical about the home designs. But you just need to be picky about the design concepts in the new home. From extraordinary materials to custom accents, it is the beginning of unleashing new ideas for customising your house.

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